Target Dollar Spot Haul: “New Job” Care Package

Let’s face it. We all love the basic girl Mecca: Target. Who doesn’t yearn for those spacious red carts, brightly lit makeup stands and, la pièce de résistance, the Dollar Spot.

If you enjoy sickeningly sweet details and cheerful decorations in moderation, the Dollar Spot is an awesome way to indulge while saving the big bucks for things that are much more your taste (i.e. these amazing jersey sheets in charcoal and anything else they sell that comes in black.)

While I typically find stationery bits and accessories on the average trip, I walked through those automatic doors and slung a hand basket over my shoulder with a different mission this month: to find a thoughtful gift for my best friend. After months of searching high and low she found her first big-girl job and I couldn’t be more proud! She’s stuck it out for an ENTIRE month in her first real office environment, so I wanted to get a few fun  things for her desk.

Our aesthetics are distinctly different, but I think we have similar tastes in adorable office supplies. I wish I could say my Target visit was completely selfless, but I couldn’t pass up stationery supplies if my life was on the line: I purchased a few of these items for my own personal stash! Here’s what I picked up:

Inspirational Pencils
I have a hard fast rule about kitschy sayings: they are only allowed on coffee mugs, the occasional T-shirt and stationery. While I don’t approve of T-shirts at the office, these foil stamped pencils are perfect for any task or mood at hand. Your first year at an adult job can be both trying and full of wonder and the sayings on this pastel set captures that. I’ve had the daily pencil set for a few weeks now and managed to find a set lurking around the bottom of the pencil bin!

Inspirational Pencils 2Inspirational Pencils 1

Polka Dot List Pad
The bestie is an avid note and list taker and there’s no better (or more charming) way to let people know a particular note is from you than with post-it notes only you own. She will appreciate the cheeky “Pssst” printed on each page and the dots are whimsically place, which matches her laid-back attitude.

Polka Dot List Pad

Round Magnets
How delightful are these magnets!? Every office space I’ve ever come across has some type of metal surface that could be used to tack up notes, lists, reminders, etc. I’ve never taken advantage of this space, which is a shame. No one likes the girl/guy with the desk overflowing with trinkets and picture frames: tacking up personal photos on an overhead cabinet or drawer is a lovely way to add personal touches to your desk without taking up precious desktop space.

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Eraser and Pencil Sharpener

We all make mistakes – some big, some small – but I hope this set will remind the bestie that some of those mistakes can be erased with a few short strokes. I remember feeling like every mistake was a big, fat blemish on my career’s permanent record. It took a great man, who I now consider a great friend and a mentor, pulling me aside and telling me “everything will work out” to get me out of that mindset. I wish he would have told me that sooner and I hope I can ease her worries the way he eased mine.

Eraser and Pencil Sharpener.jpeg

Binder and Paper Clips
On a lighter note purchasing these bits was pure vanity. Want to show your boss you pay attention to details? Clip that report together with a paper clip that compliments your aesthetic. Target didn’t have my bestie’s favorite color (purple), but these dusty pink cuties fit in with her light and airy vibe. I personally have these in teal and charcoal and the vials with cork stoppers are a cute way to store paper clips on your desk.

Paper Clips PinkPaper Clips Teal Grey 2

These gold binder clips are simply chic as heck! There’s nothing more luxurious than a touch of gold on trifles. I recommend injecting the elegant shade wherever you can. I recently bought oversized gold paperclips from Bethany Mota’s back-to-school collection and thought these smaller clips complimented them well. The latest update to the Sugar Paper collection also has some luxe details. While, I could not justify purchasing this gorgeous faux leather padfolio, letter holder or magazine rack, I highly recommend you check them out.

Binder Clips GoldPaper Clips GOld

Travel Mug
Every working girl needs a convenient way to carry around caffeine. That’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a cold, hard fact. I am known for my inability to pass up an interesting mug (my collection of mugs has gotten out of control), but everyone needs a passion in life. I’m not saying your arsenal of coffee cups and travel mugs should be as extensive as mine, but a good travel mug can alleviate the woes of a morning commute.

Travel Mug

While the bestie’s commute is short, her jobs requires quite a bit of running around. Whether she’s spending the morning overseeing an event set up or walking straight from her car into her weekly 8 a.m. meetings she’ll be able to keep her much-coveted cup of ambrosia by her side.

Gift Bag
No gift is complete without a pretty package. Just when you think the gift you’ve purchased is expensive enough you head to the cards and wrapping paper section to spend another $15 on a card, gift bag and tissue. Purchasing blank cards and writing a note is much more cost efficient and appears thoughtful even when you write something generic. I find the whales on these nautical cards absolutely delightful. The photo on the site is awful, but they really are very charming. I keep these in stock and send them as thank-you notes with bottles of wine and birthday gifts. I must admit they have turned into my signature. The Dollar Spot always has a great gift bag for less than those dreadfully plain bags at Walgreen’s. I recommend picking up generic bags throughout the year –  you never know when you’ll need them!

Gift Bags

Now’s the perfect time to send off a care package for any teens you know going off to college or recent graduates who’ve just landed their first jobs. What else would you include in a gift like this? Share pictures with me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!

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